Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do you turn your nose up at those who aren't natural??

For many years, we have fought for our right to vote, our right for equality and currently in the news, even rights for gay marriage.  With that said, don't we have the right to rock our hair any way we see fit? 

I will be the first to admit that ever since I went natural, I have seen the dramatic benefits of doing so.  From my hair growing beautifully and the overall health of my hair.  I love being natural, however, I wouldn't dare force my beliefs on someone who chooses to live differently. 

For whatever one's reason to don a wig, sport a weave or use a relaxer, they are making the decision that they deem best for them and their lifestyle. 

So let us naturals be cautious and not so quick to shake our finger at those who do not choose to embrace the natural life.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gr8 Article! Very Insightful! We should embrace each other's differences.
